Learn More... ActiVise Q&A Software


Learn more about using the ActiVise Q&A Software by either viewing the videos below or following the step by step
guide at the foot of the page:



The Software: An Introduction

A software that aids learning, revision and memory through repetitive, interactive learning.


Creating a User

30 users can be created in the ActiVise Q&A Software.


Creating a Topic with Questions and Answers

25 questions & answers in words or pictures can be created in each topic.


Setting Background Colour and Text Preferences

Users can select from a range of background colours, text colours, fonts and font sizes.


Selecting a Topic in a Game

A topic is created once and it can be played in any of the six games.


The 6 Games

There are 6 games within the ActiVise Q&A Software are designed on the principles of repetition and overlearning.


Tracking Progress

The progress of 30 learners are tracked withing 3 games.


Monitoring Users

The teacher or tutor can monitor the progress of all 30 lerners.



MyMods can add additional topic space to the 30 topic spaces already within the ActiVise Q&A Software.



Modules allow the user to add prewritten questions & answers to the ActiVise Q&A Software.


Topic Files

Topic files written by the user's teacher or tutor can be uploaded to the ActiVise Q&A Software.



Step by Step Guide: